Earlier this week Anita earned her recommendation to become a River Race Raft provider. Anne, Andy, Nina, Gari and Andy K (from Llangollen) all received their River Raft Race award PPA. Everyone had to put some homework in and have been training hard over the last few months. Well done to all! A special mention to Anne who also provided a significant amount of training in all aspects of raft racing.
This now means that both Anita and Andy can now deliver the river race raft award to club members! Anita can also deliver the stadium and flat water race raft award!
It’s a great course to introduce members to white water raft racing and provides structure to our Thursday evening sessions.
If you would like to be involved on Thursday evenings- let us know!!
Rapid Horizons and Jon Best once again provided some great guidance to continue developing rafting at the club- we believe nobody has completed this award before!

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